Category: SETI

  • Chemical sleuthing unravels possible path to forming life’s building blocks in space

    400 Bad request ​Scientists have used lab experiments to retrace the chemical steps leading to the creation of complex hydrocarbons in space, showing pathways to forming 2-D carbon-based nanostructures in a mix of heated gases. The latest study, which featured experiments at the Department of Energy’s Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (Berkeley Lab), could help explain…

  • Freon find deals blow to ET search | Cosmos

    This is a bit of a bummer. Astronomers had thought the presence of freon might be an indicator of biological life. However, turns out it’s far more common than previously thought.   Freon find deals blow to ET search | Cosmos   A compound thought to be an indicator of biological life turns out to be…

  • Discovery alert! A nearby super Earth

    Cool! A nearby “Super Earth” –   only 21 light-years away in the inner habitable zone of its small, red ‘M dwarf’ star. Almost 3 times more massive than Earth, this exoplanet is 21 light-years away. It takes only two weeks to orbit its star, closer than Mercury is to the Sun. But since M dwarf stars…

  • This researcher wants to initiate contact with Proxima Centauri b

    Dunno if this is a good idea! This researcher wants to initiate contact with Proxima Centauri b The exoplanet next door could soon get an out-of-this-world radio broadcast. Source:

  • A SETI Signal?

    A possible SETI signal? A star system 94 light-years away is in the spotlight as a possible candidate for intelligent inhabitants, thanks to the discovery of a radio signal by a group of Russian astronomers. A SETI Signal? | SETI Institute HD 164595, a solar system a few billion years older than the Sun but…

  • Water found in stardust suggests life is universal

    Water found in stardust suggests life is universal Pockets of water have been detected in dust from our solar system – suggesting that life’s ingredients may be spread across the universe Source:

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