Category: Cosmology

  • Breaking into the Simulated Universe

    If we’re in a simulated Universe, can we “break out” of it?  Breaking into the Simulated Universe I argued in my 2015 paper “Why it matters that you realize you’re in a Computer Simulation” that if our universe is indeed a computer simulation, then that particular discovery should be commonplace among the intelligent lifeforms throughout…

  • It’s official: You’re lost in a directionless universe

    Turns out the concept of direction in Universe is pretty meaningless.  It’s official: You’re lost in a directionless universe Study of ancient radiation nixes spinning universe and special directions in space Source:

  • Cosmography of the Local Universe

    Great film on the Cosmology of the local Universe  Cosmography of the Local Universe This film has been produced as part of the following publication: “Cosmography of the Local Universe” by Hélène Courtois, Daniel Pomarède,… Source:

  • Physics Confronts Its Heart of Darkness

    What other theories are there to patch some emerging holes in the concept of Dark Matter? Physics Confronts Its Heart of Darkness Cracks are showing in the dominant explanation for dark matter. Is there anything more plausible to replace it? Source:

  • Scientists Discover Massive Galaxy Made of 99.99 Percent Dark Matter W. M. Keck Observatory

    Scientists Discover Massive Galaxy Made of 99.99 Percent Dark Matter W. M. Keck Observatory Scientists Discover Massive Galaxy Made of 99.99 Percent Dark Matter W. M. Keck Observatory MAUNAKEA, Hawaii — Using the world’s most powerful telescopes, an international team of astronomers has discovered a massive galaxy that consists almost entirely of Dark Source:

  • Can one cosmic enigma help solve another? Astrophysicists argue fast radio bursts could provide clues to dark matter

    Are Fast Radio Bursts (FRB) an answer to Dark Matter? 400 Bad request ​A massive cluster of yellowish galaxies, seemingly caught in a red and blue spider web of eerily distorted background galaxies, makes for a spellbinding picture from the new Advanced Camera for Surveys aboard NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope. To make this unprecedented…

  • No, dark matter is not messing up GPS measurements

    No, dark matter is not messing up GPS measurements While you sit and read this blog post, dark matter particles are passing through your body, without you ever noticing. Whether you find that creepy or not depends on your mindset, of course; to dar… Source:

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